
July 21, 2018

Omega 3 Supplement

Omega 3's are one of the most popular supplements and for good reason.
Many people eat way to many processed omega 6 fats (vegetable oil, corn seed oil, hydrogenated oils). The ratio in the United States is 24:1 of omega 6's to omega 3's and anytime this ratio is above 1:1 inflammation starts aka we are very inflamed.
The average american has 24 times too much inflammation and this is why NSAID's (Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc.) are the #1 over the counter medications and the rate of chronic inflammatory diseases is at an all time high.
Omega 3's work well for everyone because they balance out the ratio of omega 6's to omega 3's internally reducing the inflammatory response.
The absolute best way to see the most benefit is to reduce processed oils as much as possible and to take 2-3 grams of omega 3's specifically EPA/DHA per day.
Many people take omega 3's on and off but because they don't notice an immediate impact they stop taking them, however research is very conclusive that they are very beneficial long term.
Buying high quality supplements is key, if you aren't you are wasting your money.

July 15, 2018

Healthy Popsicle Recipe

We made another popsicle today that included a few different fruits and no added sugar, dyes or any unhealthy stuff. Our girls like picking out what colors they want their popsicles to be and we make them with whatever fruit and vegetables we have! #healthykids

July 14, 2018

Disease Prevention Chart

This chart is excellent!
Would you rather:
Have a 30% reduction in breast cancer risk or 80%?
Have no reduction in risk of MS or a 50% reduced risk?
Have 30% reduced risk of colon cancer or 60%?
The answer is obvious.
The medical world suggests that a Vitamin D-3 level around 32 ng/ml is ideal, however I have always been skeptical of this since most research concludes that it has to be closer to 50 ng/ml.
This chart breaks that down for some of the most common diseases and conditions and show's a massive decrease in risk for almost all conditions when you have your levels over 50 ng/ml and minimal benefit if they are around 32 ng/ml.
Research typically shows that ideal levels are between 50-90 ng/ml.
It's very easy to normalize your vitamin D-3 levels through supplementation and sunlight. The best way to know where your levels are is to test them after a series of supplementation modifying from that point. More supplementation is required in the winter than the summer.

July 13, 2018

Breast Cancer Research

Breast Cancer Research:
This study found that breast tumors actually send signals to the brain trying to cause disruption in sleep patterns and glucose metabolism.
The reason cancer cells do this is because they thrive when there is excess glucose in the body and minimal sleep. Sleep is when your body heals and when glucose levels are out of balance inflammation is increased and chaos follows.
Lifestyle can have a massive impact on many types of cancer:
1. Reduce and remove processed carbohydrates. Lots of veggies and berries are your best option, try to eat some sort of vegetable at every meal, eat more than you think you should eat.
2. Make sure you have the best sleep habits possible. Make it a routine, go to bed early, take magnesium, block out all light, make sure your room is below 70 degrees, etc.

July 12, 2018

The Importance of Magnesium

The number one nutrient deficiency I see on a regular basis is magnesium. Magnesium is one of the most prevalent elements in the human body and is involved in over 300 metabolic reactions. It's also the first thing to be depleted when someone is stressed out.
Signs you are deficient:
Muscle spasms
Poor sleep
The average person should be getting around 1000 mg of magnesium per day. If someone is eating pretty healthy they could easily get around 600 mg from their food, so it is suggested they supplement with 400 mg of magnesium on top of that. However, most people are not eating healthy so they can require more than 400 mg per day.
The more stressed out you are the more magnesium you should take.
The quality of the supplement makes all the difference. Cheap supplements will have fillers, less magnesium than is listed on the label and it will be less pure than higher quality products. You pay for what you get in the supplement industry.
I suggest a combination of magnesium from amino acids chelate, malate and citrate. We carry Anabolic Labs Clinical Magnesium that has this exact combination.
The only side effect of taking too much is loose stools, and if someone is depleted it's suggested that they take enough to hit this point and back it off slightly.

July 10, 2018

Blueberry Season

Who's ready for blueberry season?
Blueberries are considered a super food because they are lower in carbs compared to most other fruits but have high fiber content and are packed with nutrients.
They are excellent for brain health and many memory supplements are now using extracts from blueberries as their main ingredient.
They are also loaded with antioxidants, which help regulate free radicals, reducing inflammation and preventing cellular damage while reducing the risk of certain types of cancer.

July 5, 2018

Vitamin D Decreasing Risk of Breast Cancer

Family history of breast cancer? Please read this.
One of the easiest things you can do to stay healthy is to normalize your Vitamin-D3 levels and keep them between 50 and 90 ng/ml. A simple test will tell you where yours are at. I've never seen someone in Michigan with normal levels without supplementation.
A pooled analysis of randomized controlled trials and prospective studies finds that women with blood levels of vitamin D in the 60 ng/ml range had an 80% lower breast cancer risk compared to women with less than 20 ng/ml.
1. Utilize your skin tone, the darker you can get the more sunlight you require.
2. Consider supplementing with Vitamin D-3 to normalize levels.
3. Get your levels checked during the middle of summer and the middle of winter to see where you are. Supplement or utilize the sun to get your levels between 50 and 90 ng/ml.