The milk found in your typical supermarket is very unhealthy and has been linked to a variety of symptoms and illnesses such as; allergies, gas, constipation, obesity, cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis.
Contrary to popular belief -- drinking milk can actually cause osteoporosis instead of preventing it.
What's so bad about milk?
1. Humans are the only species on earth that drinks milk after we go through the infant stage. Many adults actually lose their enzymes to digest milk as they age because our bodies aren’t supposed to drink milk. For instance, approximately 95% of Asians are lactose intolerant.
2. Cows in natural environments produce 10 gallons of milk per day where as cows that are in modern day dairy farms produce 100 gallons of milk today because of all the growth hormones given to them, making their udders so large they often drag on the ground
3. The USDA allows milk to contain 1.5 million pus particles per milliliter. These particles come from the growth hormones, antibiotics, and grains fed to the cows.
4. Cows are forced to eat grains which cause them to become sick. Farmers then give them antibiotics to keep them alive. These grains and antibiotics cause the milk produced by the cows to become very inflammatory, which causes disease.
5. After cow’s milk is collected it is then pasteurized and homogenized. This process basically destroys all of the healthy enzymes, vitamins, proteins and bacteria.
Does this mean you can’t ever drink milk? No, if you can find raw, organic, unpasteurized and unhomogenized milk, it can provide many healthy benefits. You can also replace cow milk with goat’s milk, or unsweetened almond milk.
Sources: 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, Jonny Bowden ; The New Wellness Revolution, Paul Zane Pilzer; Origins and Evolution of the Western Diet: Health Implications for the 21st Century, Loren Cordain; Osteoarthritis, Angiogenesis and Inflammation, C.S. Bonnet.
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