January 1, 2012

New Month's Resolution: January

In 2012, I challenge you to do a new month’s resolution instead of a new year’s resolution. This year, let’s celebrate accomplishments and re-focus on new goals each month.

On the first of every month, a new month’s resolution will be posted on DrKehres.com. Share your updates in the comments below or on the Kehres Health Facebook page. Articles and tips will be posted with each resolution.

Make your health a priority throughout the year!


January resolution: Go to bed by 10:30 pm every night.

Sleep is a crucial part of your health. Without enough sleep your body cannot heal and recover. Following the proper sleep cycle, our bodies should be ready for bed around 10 p.m.

Throughout the day our bodies go through a variety of physical and mental stressors, and sleep is the time to rebuild and repair our muscles and brain. Between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. our bodies do most of the muscle repair, and after 2 a.m. mental repair takes place.

If you go to bed at midnight, you will miss two hours of physical repair potentially causing you to wake up feeling tired and even sore, as your body didn’t get to finish repairs from the night before.

The more you can do to get back in sync with the sun’s cycle, the better sleep you will have and the more energized and restored you will feel the next day.

Learn more:
Sleep yourself to better health
Simple sleep tips
Health risks of staying up to watch TV


  1. We like it and will closely follow each month's resolution. Thanks for your help and suggestions. Russell and Helen Lee
