The Environmental Working Group, who also provided the organic "Dirty Dozen" list, analyzed cosmetics and personal care product ingredients against definitive government, industry and academic databases of hazardous chemicals and found that more than one in five personal care products contain chemicals linked to cancer, 80% contain ingredients that commonly contain hazardous impurities and 56% contain penetration enhancers that help deliver ingredients deeper into the skin.
Similar to choosing healthy foods, follow similar rules when searching for healthy personal products: look for short ingredients lists, easy to pronounce ingredients (not a bunch of chemicals) and try to find organic. A great resource is EWG's Web site Skin Deep cosmetic safety database, you can type in the name or brand to get a rating and report.
Similar to choosing healthy foods, follow similar rules when searching for healthy personal products: look for short ingredients lists, easy to pronounce ingredients (not a bunch of chemicals) and try to find organic. A great resource is EWG's Web site Skin Deep cosmetic safety database, you can type in the name or brand to get a rating and report.

Also, coconut oil is a nourishing conditioner for your scalp and hair, and it can be a natural remedy for dandruff.
The next time you are shopping for personal products, ask yourself, would you eat it?
We use organic, extra virgin, expeller pressed coconut oil, available at Kehres Health & Chiropractic for $13.00. To purchase, contact us at 989-607-4322 or
... what about Cocoa Butter?